For Admisssion : +91 4933 298 300
Endocrine Surgery is a nascent branch among surgical disciplines. Most of the endocrine surgical diseases present with the physiological derangement are caused by the over production of hormones or mass effect. The commonest endocrine surgical disorder involves Thyroid gland and the need for such a super speciality stems from the fact that most of these diseases are treated inappropriately and inadequately, many a times with unacceptable complications. In our centre we provide the safest Thyroid Surgery with negligible complications. We handle the surgical procedure for cancer like Hyper Parathyroidism, Adrenal Tumour, Endocrine Pancreatic Tumour and other rare endocrine tumours. MES Medical College is the only institution in Kerala having a dedicated department headed by a Mch qualified Endocrine Surgeon.
a. Thyroid:
b. Parathyroids
c. Adrenal:
d. Endocrine Pancreas:
e. Other rare Tumours:
Phone: +91 4933 298300, 333, 444 |
Admission Direct Lines: +91 4933 298310 | Admission Direct Lines: +91 4933 298310