For Admisssion : +91 4933 298 300
Medical Oncology department handles basic and advanced cancer therapy including high-dose Chemotherapy, Immuno Therapy and Targeted Therapy for all solid organ malignancies. The department is well equipped for managing all haematological malignancies including Lymphoma, Myeloma and Lukaemias. The department is backed up by one of the best diagnostic specialties which include pathology, immunohistochemistry, tumour maker assay and advanced radio diagnostic services, P & OP chemotherapy services, using chemotherapy catheters and champ ports by well trained health professionals making this department unique in Medical Oncology in the whole of Malabar. In the near future we are planning Autologous, Allogencis stem cell transplant programme and Radiotherapy.
We are providing free services to Oncology patients on compassionate considerations. Drugs to these patients are also made available at the lowest rates.
Through this cancer registry program, our hospital provides data to the National Cancer Registry Programme Centre at Bangalore which is net-worked with all places in the country. This data help the community to make themselves aware of the risk of this killer disease and to prevent such a dreadful disease in their lives.
Phone: +91 4933 298300, 333, 444 |
Admission Direct Lines: +91 4933 298310 | Admission Direct Lines: +91 4933 298310