For Admisssion : +91 4933 298 300
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Centre at MES MCH under the direct supervision and guidance of a regular Physiatrist helps patients to remedy all sorts of impairments and disabilities, and the promotion of mobility, functional ability, quality of life and movement potential through examination, evaluation and physical intervention. The Department is headed by Physiatrist and Physiotherapists, and is well equipped to handle all kinds of rehabilitation processes including conditions such as stroke, vestibular injuries, spinal cord injuries and cerebral palsy and post joint replacement rehabilitation. The departments capabilities include special physiotherapy skills for Musculoskeletal, CardioRespiratory, Neurological, Geriatric, Women health, Sports and Hand Surgery physiotherapy to provide support for healthy and early mobility. Facilities for Orthotics and Prosthotics (Artificial limb fixation and splints) are also available in the department.
Studies like Perfusion study, MR Arthrogram, CSF flow study, Spectroscopy, whole body diffusion, MR Mammogram etc can be precisely done in the MRI equipment in our Hospital thereby enabling the doctor to assess the gravity of malignancy, soft tissue infiltration, screening metastasis etc.
Phone: +91 4933 298300, 333, 444 |
Admission Direct Lines: +91 4933 298310 | Admission Direct Lines: +91 4933 298310