For Admisssion : +91 4933 298 300
It is worth mentioning that Ophthalmology Department is rendering all types of therapeutic ophthalmic service including surgical to the community on a comparatively charitable nature. Cataract surgery is done free of cost at our Hospital and the only expenditure the patient has to spend is the cost of medicines and the intraocular lens. We have daily surgical schedule. Apart from the routine Cataract surgeries, other intra-ocular and extra ocular surgeries are also offered on this free-of-cost basis like:
National Blindness Control Programme and the Vision 2010-the right to sight’ and magnitude of the problem of preventable and curable blindness at National and Global levels and preventive Ophthalmology.
The Department also undertakes community Ophthalmology activities for the effective implementation of National Blindness Control Programme. We conduct seminars and discussions, case presentations and symposia apart from routine outpatient clinics and Ophthalmic surgeries.
Phone: +91 4933 298300, 333, 444 |
Admission Direct Lines: +91 4933 298310 | Admission Direct Lines: +91 4933 298310