For Admisssion : +91 4933 298 300
MES MCH offers the latest methods in caring for a variety of disorders related to mood, addictions, thought and memory. Our multidisciplinary team provides inpatient as well as morning and evening outpatient care. This includes outpatient mental health evaluation and treatment, day treatment, intensive outpatient treatment for chemical dependency, and inpatient treatment.
We are dedicated to improving outcomes and helping people get well. From helping couples and parents to survive divorce, to treating depression, our licensed clinical staff provides a team approach to psychiatric care. The Centre for Counselling is an outpatient mental health programme that offers confidential care to families, individuals and professional organizations. Our staff have expertise in a variety of specialties, including:
Phone: +91 4933 298300, 333, 444 |
Admission Direct Lines: +91 4933 298310 | Admission Direct Lines: +91 4933 298310